Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Nursing School is complete❤️

4 summers ago, after being a stay at home mom close to 20 years, I started taking pre-reqs for Nursing school. I seemed to carry textbooks everywhere we went, studying at Jerry's Dr appts, kids swim practice,kids co-op, in between homeschooling, and every spare moment of these past years has been consumed with pushing forward .God has carried me beyond anything I ever thought I could handle. I have been surrounded by Family and friends who have supported me in every way imaginable. I have cried and doubted myself, questioning what I was thinking.I have found success and failures both to be meaningful and life lessons that encouraged me to keep going๐Ÿ’œ.I made wonderful friends, even when I was old enough to be there Mom.๐Ÿ’•  I have said "no"to my kids and husband more than I wanted as we sacrificed time so I could carry on this journey. There are moments that I can't get back but there is so much to look forward to.
Being 47,  I might not get as long a career as others, but I am trusting the Lord will use me in just the right places ❤️ Covid has cancelled Pinning ceremonies, but I am Proud of making it on this journey.. Thank you so much to everyone who prayed and encouraged and helped in so many ways through these past 4 years, I am truly greatful.Nursing School Complete✅
~Tammy,Graduate Nurse 2020