Sunday, April 5, 2020

Farewell and Thank you 2019

I have thought about this blog for months; actually a few years.... It has been in the back of my mind and I have yearned for time to just sit and write what's on my heart.  I started pre-requisites in 2016 and it seems that is the time when this special corner of my world was put on pause.

Life has continuously changed for us through the past few years. The Lord has navigated us through many highs and lows.  I am thankful to look back and see how far we have come. It is not the time to fill in the gaps, but to just be in awe of the progress.

2019 is nearing its end and with it is a year filled with struggles and victories, joys and sadness, moments that have caused me to question what I am doing and moments where the only way to move forward is to close my eyes and walk in Faith.

Currently, the house is in an array. Christmas is still lingering around. We have soaked up days of just being together. Playing games, watching movies, staying in our jammies all day. Not even opening the gate to the world.  It has been such a gift to just be home together. (Minus the big boy, who is off on his own adventures the past 2 years) Saying "no" to fun things because they would take us out of the house was easy this time. In the past, I have felt the urge to squeeze as much as possible into our breaks.  It's late and kids should be asleep but we are still in the moments of free time which will end in just a few days. The boundaries will go back into place and the schedule will remind us of our coming and goings. But for now, we just enjoy the Selah, pause... I have clung to that word often this year. Reflecting on what has happened, been said. As the year ends, what a perfect time to do just that.

A year in review: 
January 2019: I, Tammy, began my first quarter at TCC-Tacoma Community College- as a Nursing Student. It was a bit scary and also exciting to embark on this new journey at 45. 
Jerry had a spinal ablation in Dec which seemed to help his lower back pain, for the first time in years. We are hopeful this will bring newness to him.
A.J. marked 1 year away in Missouri.  He is working at SOAR and working towards his dream of becoming a Missionary Pilot.
Katie is working on her Early Childhood Degree at Bates Technical College. She is also teaching a preschool class at the homeschool co-op. She really is great with the younger kiddos.
Sarah and Isaia are doing well, adjusting to the new routine with Mom gone more. We are still homeschooling, and busy with co-op and swim team.
February brought SNOW !! Days of snow.  I don't remember having so much snow since I have lived here in WA.  It was so pretty. I think by the end we were all ready to see it melt away. I loved that we could put on snowshoes and trek right outside our door. The kids loved the fun that comes with the white stuff.  It made for more chores for me..hahaha....clearing roofs of cars, sheds and even the driveway. (Thankful for friends who came to help with the last one.)
March- AJ has met a gal in Missouri. Her name is Stephanie. They seem to have a lot in common and boy does she make him smile.
Jerry was an auctioneer for the Equest Auction. I enjoyed seeing him out and doing something that brought joy to him.  It was good for both of us to see him in action.
Sarah went to swing dancing at Burwell. She loved it.
April - 2nd qrtr of nursing school begins. We get to see AJ for a weekend, thanks to his buddy getting married here in WA.  We will take each moment we get.
Jerry has been doing PT and that was helpful.  He has begun to have some strange neuro issues so PT will have to pause.
May - We have had wonderful spring weather. Trying to enjoy any break in studying I get to soak up the sunshine. Enjoyed kayaking for Mother's Day. Memorial day was fun at the Carroll's.
Spent with friends and doing activities close to home... Weather wasn't superb... Didn't even have many days out on the kayaks.. 
I started 3rd qrtr of Nursing school. Isaia begins 6th grade,Sarah 10th and Katie is taking on more of the homeschooling as Nuraing school intensifies.
Jerry is working on projects in his shop.. This summer he rebuilt the riding mower and it was helpful for maintaining the yard,but also for giving him a fun mode of transportation around the property.
AJ and Stephanie came home for Thanksgiving. What a Joy to finally meet her.  He sure loves her...
While they were here he took her up in the mountains and proposed to her.  We are excited to have her Join the family.

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