Sunday, April 5, 2020

Count it all Joy

The last few weeks have been filled with so many emotions !

Three weeks ago I was cramming for my finals for completely beaten up by Nursing school at this point.Just wanting the end...We had a trip planned to go to MO and see AJ and Stephanie marry. I was so excited to see them and get away.  Isaia had been sick for a few days, by Sunday night He was not improving. So we made a trip to the ER in the midst of all the new Virus precautions. Navigating white tents and secluded rooms, he had a gnarly ear Infection and we were in and out under an hour.Thankful to get out of there quickly. By Tuesday, Nursing school finals were done and packing was on the agenda. Wed, Isaia looked awful,felt awful. We were not going to be able to fly today πŸ˜₯Flight moved to Fri. By Fri, restrictions were coming down everywhere and painfully we did not fly out to MO. We were all in tears...I don't think I have cried so much in 24 hours… this one broke my mama heart.πŸ’”

I have clung to these verses since that day:

Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

John 16:20 ESV

By Saturday, They ended up moving the wedding a day ahead and having a small ceremony with a few friends and family.❤️

The JOY is that they are married and we couldn't be happier for them.

Count it all Joy !

Technology !! What a blessing it can be .

We were able to watch the ceremony at home and it made the distance so much easier to bear❤️

We look forward to celebrating together at a different time.

We are sad at Missing being present. 

We are sad about not seeing the few friends and family that were there.

We are sad about not meeting so many people whom have become family to our boy. 

But our sadness turns to Joy as we have gained a Daughter-in- Love.πŸ’ž

Welcome to the Family, Stephanie❤️

Happy 2 Weeks of Marriage πŸ’ž


  1. Congratulations. So happy for your family gaining a daughter-in-law. 😊❤
