Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Isaia's big night

For all our friends and family that have known Isaia since he was little, sharing a huge milestone.
So back when Isaia was about 8, he hit a point with his speech struggles. He was shutting down and only had a handful of people that could 'translate' his words for him. That year he was diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech. He had moved up to his second SLP at the time. Heather and Shawna became part of the family, with Skype sessions several times a week. We love these ladies !!!
Summer of 2016 and '17, with the support of many friends and family, we were able to get him into Camp Candoo in Spokane, with Dr.Amy and Dr. Nancy and their team. His world opened up and he began finding his way and getting his huge vocabulary unlocked. He still has to think through his words sometimes,but overall he has fought hard and came to be a well spoken young man conquering his Apraxia. 
Friday night, our Homeschool co-op drama class put on a play. "Such a Time as This", a story about Queen Esther. Isaia played King Xerxes and had a large script of lines. 
He and the rest of the cast did so well.
We were so proud of Isaia and just seeing him up there projecting his voice and words with passion, made my heart rejoice. 
I remember the years where he felt trapped and no one would talk to him or they would walk away rather than try to decipher his words, and He has always had something to say ... He wouldn't go anywhere without Mom, Sarah or his buddy Anchor- because they knew his special language. Nowadays he is non stop talking !!😂
 God is so good,and we just loved seeing how far he has come in the past 7 years, wanted to share! Excited to see how the Lord uses him and his voice in the future.❤️❤️

Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”
Psalm 126:2 ESV

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