Saturday, February 7, 2015

Walk On faith, trust in Love...

    Just want to share an update on Jerry.  He has been home since New Years with his back out/injured. He spent the first weeks icing and trying to get the swelling down so he could get in to the Chiropractors.  He is allergic to most anti-inflammatory meds, so icing and non movement seem to be the best course of treatment.Once the swelling was down , he had Chiro work done which helped in some ways, though the main pain was ever present.  After xrays it was determined he needed an MRI. Which has been done and we will know more about that this coming week. A quick message from his Dr. states that he has some disc issues. He is on pain meds which are helping. He is having some numbness in his hand which we are thinking is from the nerves being pinched in some form.
    We have been praying for change for him for over a year.This might not be the way we thought it would come about, but we believe the Lord's plan is always perfect. It is amazing how much peace you can have when you don't spend days wondering "why" and instead focus on  "what do you want us to do next,Lord".  I do not say that the last 6 weeks have been easy, but it is a lot easier when you don't worry about things.   Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34
We have been blessed  by so many dear friends, many who have been anonymous, they all remind me that the Lord is taking care of everything and to rest in him. Thank you for being an extension of Love to us. We are truly Grateful.
   Our home is quite cozy on a normal day, with Dad home it is one less room to move around in.For me , it just makes thing a bit claustrophobic;-) Especially since we have had monsoons of rain lately. We are trying to keep the routine around here normal, trying to keep our school life on the quiet side while he is resting. Being available for him as much as possible. As a family,we know it has been a long time since he hasn't hurt in some capacity. Our hope is in seeing him functioning better than he has in years.  Enjoying activities with us again. 
Pray with us : that his back would ultimately heal and be stronger than before. that the pain he has now would diminish, that the numbness he is having would go away as well. Pray for wisdom for the Dr's as they review tests, and images. That we would have clarity in all things ahead of us. for strength , encouragement and patience when I am tired and just have too much to do. That the Lord would continue to provide in all ways. We are anticipating great things as we continue this journey. Thank you for coming alongside of us , and may you know the Lord loves you  and His mercies are new each and every day !

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